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Educational Philosophy



As an educator, I believe that one can only be innovative if he or she first understands the boundaries that have already been established.  In order to change the world around you, you must first understand the way in which it functions.  An individual is the product of his/her socioeconomic ethos.  Teachers work as a window for students in order to show them the endless possibilities that they are able to attain through hard work and determination.  In my mind, the teacher is more than someone who dictates, but rather, facilitates lessons through in-depth discussion and collaborative work.  Art has the capability to branch out into a multitude of disciplines and give students the creative license to push boundaries.   


            Students learn in a variety of ways.  Some may learn through reading.  Others may learn through visual prompts.  In order to teach effectively, a teacher must tap into the student’s interests and find ways in which to link the key points of the lesson to the student.  Art education functions to appeal to the student in multiple ways.  A student may find direct manipulation of materials as a better method to learn, while some may find collaborative work a more effective..  Therefore, an art educator may provide the tools necessary for the student to discover their own path to achievement.  Through in-depth lessons and student centered teaching art education was the capacity to promote creativity and innovation.   

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